Here are a few examples
- Court rules in favor of Bates White client DOJ in United States et al. v. Google LLC
Testimony in civil antitrust suit against Google alleging that Google foreclosed competition for internet search.
- In re Determination of Rates and Terms for Making and Distributing Phonorecords
Litigation on behalf of Spotify regarding alignment of royalty payments with statutory objectives.
- Sandoz Inc. and RareGen LLC v. United Therapeutics Corporation and Smiths Medical ASD, Inc.
Eric Gaier testified on market definition, market power, competitive effects, and irreparable harm.
- Bates White client Epic Games wins unanimous verdict against defendant Google
Litigation work on behalf of Epic Games against Google related to Google’s app store practices.
- Bates White prepares pre-bankruptcy analyses for Aearo Technologies in In re 3M Combat Arms Earplug Products Liability Litigation
Testimony on behalf of debtors to address claims in 3M Combat Arms earplug products.
- Hawaii Public Utilities Commission renewable energy analyses
Assessment of results of competitive procurement of grid services on Oahu.
- Bates White LIBOR work reaches milestoneBates White was retained to work in the LIBOR-based Financial Instruments Antitrust Litigation on behalf of a class of over-the-counter plaintiffs that filed a class action lawsuit. The OTC class was recently certified.
- Medical Mutual of Ohio v. AbbVie Inc.
Analysis of economic issues associated with class certification and merits on behalf of a joint defense group of leading testosterone replacement therapy manufacturers
- Thomas Morgan Robertson et al. v. Spotify USA Inc. and Robert Gaudio et al. v. Spotify USA Inc.Analysis on behalf of Spotify in litigation where songwriters alleged that Spotify played their musical works without properly obtaining a license.
- Bates White experts testify before the Copyright Royalty Board on behalf of the National Association of Broadcasters
Testimony on behalf of National Association of Broadcasters before the Copyright Royalty Board regarding allocation of royalties.
- Bates White expert testifies in HONX bankruptcy confirmation hearing on settlement and Trust Distribution Procedures
Testimony on behalf of the debtor to resolve asbestos-related liability for current and future claims.
- Certain Softwood Lumber Products from Canada
Testimony on behalf of the government of Canada regarding collusion in timber auctions.