August 5, 2024
Who’s Who Legal (WWL) has once again included 11 Bates White Partners on its distinguished Competition Economists list. Inclusion on the list signifies renown for world-leading expertise, as evidenced by the ability to advise and testify on a wide swath of competition and antitrust issues.
Additionally, Partners Douglas Bernheim, PhD and Nicholas Hill, PhD were named Global Elite Thought Leaders in Competition, a ranking WWL notes is achieved by only around 5% of all WWL-listed practitioners.
WWL’s Competition Economists include consultants, expert witnesses, and economic advisers from around the world who have performed exceptionally well. Winners are nominated, researched, and vetted by clients and peers in the sector or industry in question, as well as from corporate counsel and other clients, and are considered the pre-eminent names in the field.
Bates White experts have appeared on WWL Competition Expert, Thought Leaders, and Global Elite Thought Leader lists for more than 10 years. You can read more about the 11 experts named to WWL’s 2024 Competition Economists list below.
Douglas Bernheim, PhD

He is the Edward Ames Edmunds Professor of Economics at Stanford University and is a recognized leader in the academic community.
Cory S. Capps, PhD

Dr. Capps has 20 years of experience as an economist specializing in industrial organization, empirical methods, and antitrust, with a focus on the healthcare industry.
Leemore S. Dafny, PhD
Dr. Dafny is the Bruce V. Rauner Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School.
Eric R. Emch, PhD

Dr. Emch has more than two decades of experience in economic analysis of competition policy issues.
Joseph Farrell, DPhil

He is a Professor of the Graduate School in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.
Nicholas D. Hill, PhD

He is an expert in antitrust issues and has worked on matters in a wide range of industries, including banking, chemicals, healthcare, pulp and paper, software, and telecommunications.
Robert C. Marshall, PhD
Dr. Marshall is a Distinguished Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Auctions, Procurements, and Competition Policy at The Pennsylvania State University.
Leslie M. Marx, PhD
Dr. Marx is the Robert A. Bandeen Professor of Economics at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.
George A. Rozanski, PhD
Dr. Rozanski has more than 25 years of experience in antitrust analysis. He consults on the competitive effects of mergers and acquisitions and provides antitrust analysis of alleged anticompetitive conduct.
Scott Thompson, PhD
Dr. Thompson specializes in antitrust analysis of alleged anticompetitive conduct. He has an extensive background providing antitrust analysis in support of expert testimony and enforcement decisions.
Michael Whinston, PhD

Dr. Whinston is the Sloan Fellows Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Professor of Economics in the MIT Department of Economics. |