Andrew Joyner is a Manager in the Antitrust and Competition Practice. He specializes in conducting and supervising statistical and economic analyses on data-intensive matters to support analysis of issues for both regulators and private clients through all phases of horizontal and vertical merger review and litigation. His experience spans a wide range of industries such as agriculture, oil and gas, software, and mobile technology. Mr. Joyner also has experience supporting testifying experts in high-profile litigations related to monopolization and anticompetitive conduct. In his time at Bates White, he has provided advocacy and Second Request support for Thoma Bravo’s acquisition of ForgeRock and supported testifying experts in U.S. Sugar’s successful acquisition of Imperial Sugar and in Epic Games v. Google, Epic’s antitrust litigation related to Google’s app store practices.
BS, Business Administration (university honors), Carnegie Mellon University
Selected Work
Selected Experience
- On behalf of the merging parties, led the team supporting the expert in analysis of geographic market definition and market concentration related to a merger in the commercial and residential construction industry.
- On behalf of Thoma Bravo in its $2.3 billion acquisition of ForgeRock, supported the expert in analyzing market definition and competition. Provided support in response to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Second Request. The merger closed in 2023.
- On behalf of the Federal Trade Commission, supported the expert providing analysis of the likely competitive effects of a vertical merger in the consumer technology industry.
- Supported expert Doug Bernheim in Epic Games v. Google, Epic’s antitrust litigation related to Google’s app store practices. A jury returned a verdict in favor of Epic on all counts and all claims.
- On behalf of U.S. Sugar in its acquisition of Imperial Sugar, member of the team supporting Nicholas Hill’s testimony, resulting in the defeat of DOJ’s challenge to the merger.
- On behalf of Change Healthcare, in connection with its proposed $13.8 billion merger with UnitedHealth Group, supported the merging parties’ advocacy efforts and competitive analysis.