Chuhang Yin Geissler is a Manager in the Antitrust and Competition Practice at Bates White. She specializes in economic analysis of competition and has worked on matters in the agriculture, healthcare, ecommerce, and gasoline industries on behalf of both government and private clients. Dr. Geissler received her PhD from Duke University, where she taught graduate courses in R programming and project management. Dr. Geissler’s dissertation research focused on quantifying how religious preferences affect residential choice and inequality in Scotland and was published in the Annals of Economics and Statistics. She has also conducted research on individual valuations for public transit and air quality.
PhD, Economics, Duke University
MA, Economics, Duke University
BA, Economics, University of Hong Kong
Selected Work
Selected Experience
- In State of Colorado ex rel. v. The Kroger Co. et al. and State of Washington v. The Kroger Co. et al. supported the expert on behalf of plaintiffs in their efforts to block Kroger Co.’s proposed merger with Albertsons.
- On behalf of the consumer class in Klein et al. v. Meta, supported the expert through modeling and document review to analyze market definition and competitive harm resulting from conduct.
- In In re California Gasoline Spot Market Antitrust Litigation, investigated methodologies for calculation of both the pass-through of changes in the OPIS spot price index to retail gasoline prices, as well as the estimated overcharges to plaintiffs.
- On behalf of Veeva in Veeva Systems Inc. v. IQVIA Inc., which concerned the monopolization of data and data management software for pharmaceutical companies, supported testifying expert on issues of market definition, market power, theory of harm, and competitive effects.
- Supported the expert in providing analysis of US sugar market for U.S. Sugar’s proposed acquisition of Imperial Sugar.
- In Stephanie Difederico and Jameson Edmond Casey v. Inc. et al., a Canadian class action, reviewed economic literature on the pass-through of platform fees in ecommerce and performed econometric analysis on class-wide damages.
- On behalf of the merging parties, provided support for the expert in a hospital system merger. Analyzed efficiencies, cost savings, and other procompetitive effects of the proposed action. Contributed to a white paper and presentations on pro-competitive effects of the merger before the antitrust agency.