Joe Kinter is a Principal in the Antitrust and Competition Practice with considerable experience building, processing, and managing large, complex data sets for economic analysis. He has provided database development and management, economic analysis, discovery support, and research for clients through all stages of litigation and has worked on behalf of both government and industry clients. Additionally, Mr. Kinter works closely with lead and testifying experts on antitrust litigation and mass torts matters, supporting impact analysis and damages analysis and estimation. He has worked on matters in the computer, healthcare, finance, natural gas, pharmaceutical, and rail freight industries, among others. Mr. Kinter also plays a key resource management role, aligning resources with project needs to enhance organizational efficiency and serve client needs.
BS, Economics, Schreyer Honors College, Pennsylvania State University
Selected Work
Selected Experience
- In In re Bestwall LLC, managing the team in developing complex databases to assist in asbestos liability trust valuation and preparing declarations on behalf of the debtor.
- In In re Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation, supported testifying expert in estimating damages on behalf of plaintiffs, who allege the four largest US-based Class I railroads conspired to increase the price of rail freight transportation services in the United States by imposing unreasonable fuel surcharges.
- Supported multiple consulting experts on behalf of direct payors and insurers in several matters involving pharmaceutical “pay for delay” allegations.
Provided expert support on behalf of the Government of Québec in the matter Certain Softwood Lumber Products from Canada.
- Supported testifying experts on behalf of a large coalition of direct-action plaintiffs in In re TFT-LCD Antitrust Litigation, a case involving price-fixing allegations in the United States, Asia, and Europe.
- Supported testifying expert on behalf of a defendant in the matter In re Chocolate Confectionary Antitrust Litigation regarding its participation in an alleged price-fixing conspiracy of chocolate candy products in the United States.
- Supported expert in cases against two major sporting organizations for their actions to monopolize television and internet broadcast rights to games.
- Supported multiple testifying experts on behalf of direct and indirect plaintiffs in In re Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) Antitrust Litigation.
- Supported a testifying expert working on behalf of a plaintiff ambulatory surgery center in the matter Peoria Day Surgery Center v. OSF Healthcare System, a monopolization lawsuit that alleged illegal bundling and tying by the defendant hospital system.
- Assisted in building a database that was used to analyze competitive aspects of The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company (A&P)’s acquisition of Pathmark, Inc.
- Supported the lead consulting expert on behalf of AMD in the landmark microprocessor antitrust case AMD v. Intel.
Processed natural gas futures transaction data that were used as the basis for the pricing analyses in the natural gas futures market manipulation case In re Natural Gas Commodity Litigation.