Makeda Murray co-chairs the Mass Torts Practice at Bates White. She leads teams on matters involving damages estimation, liability valuation, and forecasting. She manages the preparation and analysis of large, complex data sets used in expert testimony and by counsel in both litigation and settlement. Ms. Murray specializes in data analysis and management. She has developed claims databases across a number of industries and for numerous clients and provided both expert opinions and explanations regarding the methods used to process and standardize the data. Her experience includes the processing, management, and analysis of claims data, as well as the preparation of liability forecasts for asbestos and other products. Her work has covered matters in the asbestos, insurance, automotive parts, and manufacturing industries.
Prior to joining Bates White, Ms. Murray was a senior actuarial analyst for a leading global professional services firm, where she evaluated pension benefit redesign options, developed yearly funding and expense valuation results, and analyzed claims data for corporate clients.
MBA, Strategic Management, The Wharton School–University of Pennsylvania
BS, Mathematics, Howard University (summa cum laude)
BA, Economics, Howard University (summa cum laude)
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In this short video, Ms. Murray discusses her work on the high-profile Boy Scouts of America Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, how she prepared for the deposition, and what makes a good testifying expert.
Ms. Murray shares her less-traveled path to providing expert testimony.
Selected Work
Selected Experience
- Led the team conducting abuse claim valuation and insurance allocation on behalf of an insurance company involved in a Diocesan bankruptcy.
- Produced potential expenditure estimates related to pending and future silicosis claims derivative of alleged exposure to manufactured stone-cutting operations.
- Directed the team performing statistical and economic modeling analyses related to the potential effects of climate change events, the associated allocation of damages, and the assignment of responsibility to oil/gas-producing corporations.
- Coauthored due diligence report on behalf of a consumer products manufacturer of talc-based products that assessed the current and future potential talc-based expenditures and quantified potential downside scenarios for defending and resolving talc-based claims in the tort system.
- Produce annual and quarterly estimates of company’s potential asbestos-related expenditures, and author annual opinion letters that summarize its US and UK forecasted liability estimates.
- Supported the testifying expert and managed the team tasked with quantifying the amounts incurred and paid by an auto manufacturer involved in an arbitration dispute with its insurance carrier over alleged product liability claims.
- Managed the team conducting competitive benchmarking analyses and evaluating the pay shortfall for a client engaged in a tri-party arbitration procedure as a result of a contract salary dispute.
- Managed the analytical team and supported the consulting experts in their estimation of the value and allocation of pending and future claims in In re Midwest Generation, LLC, et al., 12-49218 (Bankr. N.D. Ill.).
- Supported the testifying expert and managed the litigation support team in Cannon Electric, Inc., now known as ITT Cannon, Inc., et al. v. ACE Property and Casualty Company, et al., BC 290354 (Super. Ct. Cal. L.A. County Ct.).
- Led data team and provided consulting support on reinsurance matter involving dispute over covered claims, as well as amounts owed and to be reimbursed by the reinsurer.
- Provided support to the consulting expert and managed the team that processed and analyzed large, complex data sets to assess the number and value of pending and future personal-injury claims related to the Takata airbag recall.
- Supported the testifying expert during arbitration proceedings on behalf of ACE Bermuda Insurance Ltd. regarding an arbitration claim by 3M Company against the ACE Bermuda-Form policies stemming from allegedly defective masks and respirators.
- Forecasted future product liabilities and built allocation models for various companies to assist them in insurance valuation, financial reporting, and litigation.
- Led data analyses and provided consulting support on a number of cases regarding product liability and damages estimation.
- Managed benefits analyses, data validation, and valuation projects by establishing workable timelines, delegating tasks/responsibilities and ensuring the timely completion of work product.
- Analyzed and validated data for the de-risking initiative of a Fortune 500 company; the result was a pension obligation reduction of more than $20 billion.
- Evaluated benefit redesign options for companies with large pension plan obligations, collectively saving clients millions in projected benefit obligations.