Showing 121 - 132 of 217 results
Served as the lead consulting expert for direct-action plaintiffs in a transportation industry price-fixing matter. Current responsibilities include industry research, economic analysis to assess liability, damages estimation and ...
Retained by DOJ’s Antitrust Division to produce an expert report and serve as an expert witness for a proposed merger in the energy services industry. Merger was eventually approved after parties proposed a divestiture package resolving ...
Retained by DOJ's Antitrust Division to produce an expert report and serve as an expert witness for a proposed merger in the publishing industry. Analyzed competition between the merging firms, product and geographic market definition ...
On behalf of Amazon Fulfillment Services, Inc., submitted a declaration to the Postal Regulatory Commission addressing analysis submitted by experts in a proceeding related to proposed changes in accounting methodology for Postal Service ...
Provided analysis and expert support for the Department of Justice in analyzing the proposed merger of silicon metal producers FerroAtlantico and Globe Specialty Metals. Silicon metal is a key input for production of aluminum ...
Provided expert analysis and testimony on behalf of Herbalife International of America (Herbalife) related to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigation into the company’s multilevel marketing model in which products are sold ...
Working on behalf of merging hospitals, identified competitive overlaps, assessed relevant markets, and analyzed likely competitive effects. Presented findings to the FTC and California State Attorney General’s Office. After review ...
Assisted counsel for International Paper Company by performing merger analyses, including a merger simulation, of International Paper’s proposed acquisition of Weyerhaeuser's pulp business. DOJ approved the merger without remedies.
Assisted the Competition Bureau of Canada in its review of the Iron Mountain/Recall merger. Iron Mountain and Recall are suppliers of records management services in Canada and a number of other countries. The merger was not challenged by the ...
Provided expert work on economic analysis of likely competitive effects and efficiencies in relation to Highmark Inc.’s proposed acquisition of Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania (BCNEPA). After nearly 18 months of review by the ...
Provided trial testimony on behalf of Pandora in its litigation with Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) regarding the royalty rate for Pandora’s use of music licensed by BMI (Broad. Music, Inc. v. Pandora Media, Inc.). Opined on what range of rates ...
Provided expert analysis on behalf of the FTC in its proceedings seeking to block Cabell Huntington Hospital’s acquisition of St. Mary’s Medical Center in Huntington, WV. Analysis showed that the proposed acquisition would ...