Showing 157 - 168 of 214 results
On behalf of the FTC, provided economic analysis supporting the expert analyzing the competitive effects of a proposed merger in the healthcare sector.
In the matter Anderson News, LLC v. American Media, Inc., supported testifying expert on behalf of Anderson News regarding allegations that leading magazine publishers and distributors engaged in a conspiracy to boycott magazine wholesaler ...
Submitted expert testimony regarding liability on behalf of Coral Energy Resources, an energy trading company, in the NYMEX commodity futures market manipulation case In re Natural Gas Commodity Litigation.
Supported testifying expert working on behalf of American Specialty Health, Inc. (ASH) in its exclusive dealing suit against Healthways, Inc. The two companies compete to administer fitness benefits for retirees on behalf of Medicare ...
In United States of America v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, supported testifying expert to analyze the competitive effects of the proposed transaction on behalf of the DOJ. The DOJ reached a settlement with the parties.
In Allflex v. Avid Identification Sys., provided expert testimony on behalf of Allflex. Submitted a declaration and expert report on monopoly power, market definition, and antitrust harm in the domestic pet radio frequency ...
In In re Electrical Carbon Products Antitrust Litigation, a price-fixing case, supported damages expert for opt-out plaintiffs. Developed and executed econometric analysis of damages. Investigated critiques of the damages model by the ...
Pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts completed its $29 billion acquisition of Medco Health Solutions after the Federal Trade Commission closed its eight month investigation of the proposed acquisition. Bates White supported Skadden ...
The South African Competition Appeal Court has approved the merger of Pioneer Hi-Bred and Pannar Seed Inc. almost two years after the deal was first announced.
Working on behalf of Pioneer with the law firms Crowell & Moring and Bowman Gilfillan ...
Working with law firm Crowell and Moring on behalf of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Bates White Economic Consulting, led by testifying expert Scott Thompson, assessed the competitive effects of DuPont’s para-aramid supply ...
The FTC retained Bates White Partner Cory Capps to conduct an economic analysis of the likely effects of the proposed merger of OSF St. Anthony Medical Center and Rockford Memorial Hospital on competition and consumer welfare. Dr. Capps ...
In In re Delta/AirTran Baggage Fee Antitrust Litigation, provided expert testimony on common impact, predominance of common factors, and damages on behalf of defendant AirTran in connection with an alleged conspiracy to reduce capacity ...